
Live Your Best 365 with Alisa Bloom, MPH, RDN, LDN, NBC-HWC, DipACLM

Let me show you how to nourish yourself as soon as your next meal, slay constant hunger,
minimize or eliminate medications, and streamline supplements.

Holiday Tips

Summer Nutrition Boosts For You

Summer is here! Warm weather brings abundant fresh fruits and vegetables and plenty of outdoor activities to keep you moving. Summer is the perfect time to make healthy choices become permanent healthy habits, and boost your overall wellness. Being healthy doesn't...

Stay in Your Lane

When it comes to health, there's no one-size-fits-all formula. Everyone has a different genetic and lifestyle makeup, which means generic health and nutrition advice can be just that – generic. It's like purchasing a sweater that looks fabulous on your friend. Once...

Ways to Fuel Your Best Mood

The food we eat affects our mood, energy levels, and performance. Certain foods have been shown to improve overall mood, while others can negatively impact mood (highly processed foods or foods with too many added sugars or preservatives, for example). Foods that...

Diabetes and blood sugar control

How much do you know about Diabetes and blood sugar control? Diabetes is a type of vascular disease - a disease affecting vessels. Where are vessels? Everywhere. For example, the heart, legs, feet, brain, kidneys, and eyes. Keeping Diabetes under control can lessen...

Processed Foods & Your Brain

Did you know that processed foods can also take a toll on your mental health? ⁣ Processed food contains additives, dyes, and chemicals that negatively impact physical and mental well-being. They put an increased burden on the body to remove them because they are...

A friendly reminder about words to yourself

Words matter. They do. Your dialogue with yourself, whether out loud or within your mind, can have a significant impact. The path to improving health and nutrition is sometimes linear. Show yourself kindness and compassion. If it doesn't feel quite right at first,...

Eat the rainbow

What does it mean to eat the rainbow? Color. It means more color. "Eating a rainbow" helps your body get a complete range of disease-fighting, fiber-containing nutrients, aka phytonutrients. Phytonutrients provide antioxidants and anti-inflammatory benefits....
