
Live Your Best 365 with Alisa Bloom, MPH, RDN, LDN, NBC-HWC, DipACLM

Let me show you how to nourish yourself as soon as your next meal, slay constant hunger,
minimize or eliminate medications, and streamline supplements.

Processed Foods & Your Brain

May 11, 2023 | Food as Medicine

Did you know that processed foods can also take a toll on your mental health? 🤔

Processed food contains additives, dyes, and chemicals that negatively impact physical and mental well-being. They put an increased burden on the body to remove them because they are recognized as toxins. ⁣⁣It’s time to break the cycle of unhealthy eating habits by upgrading processed foods to unprocessed alternatives 💪🏽

Five simple tips to help reduce your processed food intake ⬇️

  1. Add two servings of food in its natural state to a daily meal.
  2. Make homemade versions of store-bought snacks and meals.
  3. Read the ingredient list of food labels carefully before purchasing.
  4. Prioritize fresh, seasonal produce when grocery shopping.
  5. Cook in bulk and store leftovers in the fridge or freezer.

Are you up for this weekly challenge?

Unprocess a meal and a snack every day.

Try these Chicken Spring Roll Bowls

 Join the free Facebook Group, Food Sanctuary, where you’ll learn how to optimize health using the power of food.

Knowing your DNA can tell you more about how processed foods directly impact your emotional and physical health. Head to www.liveyourbest365.com to learn more!
