
Live Your Best 365 with Alisa Bloom, MPH, RDN, LDN, NBC-HWC, DipACLM

Let me show you how to nourish yourself as soon as your next meal, slay constant hunger,
minimize or eliminate medications, and streamline supplements.

Holiday Tips

Just Say Yes (to Dessert)!

Can you have your cake ‌and‌ eat it too? Yes! Is everything a free-for-all that won't affect your mood or your health? Of course not. But there are upgrades throughout your day that can help mood and metabolism while not having to give up your favorite dessert or...

Detox Done Right

Did you know that your body is detoxifying right now? This very minute. The body is a well-designed machine that can detox without all the gimmicks and diet potions! Some of us detoxify better than others, however. That information lies in your DNA. That's what I...

Are you Over-Caffeinated?

Are you Over-Caffeinated? Are you someone who can't get going in the morning or can't function in the late afternoon until you've had a large cup of joe? Or you struggle to wind down at the end of a long day? Are you one of those individuals who boast that caffeine...

Macros, explained (and a SPECIAL OFFER!)

What are macros, and why are so many people talking about counting them?  Macro is short for macronutrient. There are (only) three macronutrients- protein, carbohydrate, and fat. They all provide energy, but in varying amounts; fat provides more energy per gram...

Your “someday maybe” list

We all have one. That list of things you know you need to do but have been putting off way too long. I call it the “Someday Maybe” list, and I can probably guess what’s at the top of yours. If you’re like 99% of other subscribers on this email list, it’s this: Putting...

How Do I Know When I’ve Eaten Enough?

It takes 20 minutes until your stomach tells your brain you’ve eaten enough. Myth or Fact? The answer? Sort of. A 20-minute countdown to relieve hunger pangs or achieve fullness from the time food first passes your lips isn’t the same for everyone and varies with how...

Do You Need Help to Detox?

Marketing claims for products to detox are in full swing this time of year. There are juices, soups, spices, and all sorts of concoctions trying to convince the consumer that extreme (lack of research) measures will rid the body of unwanted toxins. Untrue. The body is...

In 2023, we are going to slay constant hunger!

Happy, Healthy New Year! This year, we are going to slay constant hunger! Hunger is an anticipated, natural process. But when we get hungry too often, say every two to three hours or more frequently in the afternoon onto evenings, or when we get too hungry and then...
