Ever feel sluggish, bloated, or achy after eating a seemingly harmless meal? You are not alone! Hidden food sensitivities can trigger inflammation in the body, leading to a cascade of uncomfortable symptoms. This week we dive into some common food culprits that might be unknowingly causing inflammation in your life.
While I discuss food sensitivities in this newsletter, I do not recommend pursuing food sensitivity testing. The core message I want to convey is foods we eat, especially those ones listed, can trigger the immune system. With repeated insults, or I call them ‘hits’ to the body, it can lead to autoimmune conditions.
Here are 6 common food sensitivities that could trigger immune and inflammatory responses you might have but not be aware of.
Dairy Products: Dairy sensitivities are common, especially in adults. Lactose, the sugar found in milk, can be difficult for many to digest, leading to symptoms like bloating, gas, and diarrhea.
Gluten: Found in wheat, barley, and rye, gluten can cause issues for those with sensitivities. Even if you don’t have celiac disease, gluten sensitivity can lead to symptoms like fatigue, headaches, joint pain, and digestive problems.
Soy: Soy is a prevalent ingredient in many processed foods. Sensitivity to soy can cause symptoms such as digestive disturbances, bloating, and skin reactions like eczema.
Eggs: Eggs, especially the whites, can be a common source of sensitivity. Symptoms can include digestive upset, skin rashes, and respiratory issues like congestion or wheezing.
Corn: corn can trigger sensitivities due to a protein called zein, which some bodies struggle to digest. This can lead to digestive discomfort and inflammation.
Did you know your DNA can influence food sensitivities? Your genetic makeup can play a role in how your body reacts to certain foods. If you want to take a closer look, book a complimentary consultation with me.
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