Did you know your gut is the foundation for health in your body?
When your gut is imbalanced, your immune system, serotonin levels (a mood-boosting chemical), and hormones don’t work as best as they can, making it more challenging to stay healthy. When the gut runs smoothly (no pun intended ), digestion will maximize nutrient absorption, support toxin release, promote mental and immune health, and maintain body systems and functions.
All of these signs can signal your gut may need some extra TLC:
- Hard stools or straining when using the bathroom.
- Bloating, heartburn, or other digestive upset.
- Sugar cravings.
- Difficulty sleeping.
- Skin rashes or hives.
- Fatigue.
- The development of some autoimmune conditions.
What can you do? PLENTY.
- Eat food sources of PRObiotics (fermented, unprocessed foods) as they work best in their natural form. Use supplements if you know which probiotic strain you need (there are many, and they have different bodily functions).
- Support your ZZZZs. Go to sleep when you’re neither hungry nor overfull and have that last cup of Joe in the afternoon.
- Stay hydrated. Water is the medium to keep all systems running at their best.
- Include 3+ daily PREbiotic-rich foods (download this list). The resistant starch in these foods fuel probiotics and protect and repair the gut lining.
- Avoid unnecessary antibiotic treatments. Antibiotics alter good gut bacteria and will need replenishing should you need treatment.
I can help you achieve your health goals by getting to the root cause of your symptoms. Click here to watch my philosophy in working with clients!​
​Download this gut-healing green smoothie recipe to start your day